The mind is the most powerful asset God has given to mankind. Unfortunately, not many people understand how to optimize the use of this tremendously powerful asset. To see what I am saying, just look around you. Consider the things you can see. How did they come about?

For instance, let’s say you have a smart phone. Think of how useful the phone is to you. The question is, how did the smartphone come about? In the beginning of the process of creating the phone, someone thought about it. Many others engaged their minds as well, to develop it to its present state.

Those who have been thinking and working to develop the smartphone have earned great rewards as a result – financially and otherwise. This is because, generally, people are rewarded for solving problems. It is important to note that solution to a problem begins by thinking.

You can utilize the power of positive productive thinking to advance your career, business, ministry, relationship and spiritual life, to the next level and beyond.  I want to encourage you to, henceforth, consistently think positively and productively in order to make progress and accomplish your goals.

You will succeed!